Nepal Transit and Warehouse Management Company Ltd. open vacancy in different positions-2024

Nepal Transit and Warehouse Management Company Ltd. open vacancy in different positions-2024 “Nepal Transit and Warehouse Management Company Ltd. open vacancy in different positions-2024. Interested and eligible candidates can apply with the necessary documents within the specified deadline. Detailed information regarding the application process and eligibility criteria can be found on the company’s official website […]

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सुचना को हक र पारदर्शिता

सूचनाको हक(Right to Information) र पारदर्शिता (Transparency)

सूचनाको हक(Right to Information) र पारदर्शिता (Transparency) सूचनाको हक सूचनाको हकको अवधारणा सूचनाको हकको सिद्धान्तहरु सूचनाको हक र पारदर्शिताको अन्तरसम्बन्ध नोट: RTI ले  Transparency प्रवर्द्धन गर्छ भने Transparency ले RTI को कार्यान्वयनमा सहयोग गर्छ । नेपालमा सूचनाको हक सम्बन्धी समस्याहरु पारदर्शिता सूचनाको हक र पारदर्शिताको महत्व पारदर्शिताको सीमाहरु नेपालमा सूचनाको हक कार्यान्वयनका लागि भएका व्यवस्थाहरु […]

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Computer Operator Subjective Question of NARC

Computer Operator Subjective Question of NARC: Section B 25 marks 1. What is computer? Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computer. 2. What are workbook, worksheet and workspace? Explain with example.\ 3. Briefly explain the data type supported by MS-Access 4. What is presentation system? Differentiate between animation and transition in a presentation. 5. Write vision […]

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Define block diagram computer system?

Define block diagram computer system? Computer is an electronic device, we called electronic device because it run on electricity. It takes input from user by the help of different input devices, process given input and produces the desired output as well as stored these outputs according to your requirements known as computer system. The block […]

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What is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain

What is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain

what is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain             It is an electronic device, we called electronic device because it run on electricity. It takes input from user by the help of different input devices, process given input and produces the desired output as well as stored these outputs according to your requirements […]

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