Define block diagram computer system?

Define block diagram computer system? Computer is an electronic device, we called electronic device because it run on electricity. It takes input from user by the help of different input devices, process given input and produces the desired output as well as stored these outputs according to your requirements known as computer system. The block […]

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what are the difference between analog and digital computer?

What are the difference between analog and digital computer?

What are the difference between analog and digital computer?             Computers are an electronic devices which are work on the basis of electronic circuits or signals. There are different types of computers, which are categorized on the basis of its nature. On the basis working principle there are three types of computers analog, digital and […]

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What is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain

What is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain

what is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain             It is an electronic device, we called electronic device because it run on electricity. It takes input from user by the help of different input devices, process given input and produces the desired output as well as stored these outputs according to your requirements […]

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Database Normalization and Database Security

Database Normalization and Database Security

Database Normalization and Database Security The following PDF file for Computer science of grade 12 of National Examination Board. This attachment is Database Normalization and Database Security unit-1 Database Management System. The attached file is provided by and for more education notes, notice and other education related contents you can follow our website […]

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Unit-5 Computer Networking BCA First semester TU

Unit-5 Computer Networking BCA First semester TU

Unit-5 Computer Networking BCA First semester TU The following PDF file for Computer fundamental and application note of BCA first Semester of Tribhuvan University. This attachment is Computer fundamental and application unit-5 Computer Networking. The attached file is provided by and for more education notes, notice and other education related contents you can follow […]

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Computer Operator Practical Model Question Set-3

Computer Operator Practical Model Question Set-3

Some practical tips and practical preparation sets form for Computer Operator Practical Model Question Set-3 Prepare all material for practical while you are leaving form practical like paper stand, keyboard etc. Keep admit card and all original certificate with one se photocopy. Get on practical exam hall before one hour. Switch off you mobile […]

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Computer Science Model Question Grade 12

Computer Science Model Question Grade 12

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Time: 1.30 hrs.                                                               Full Marks: 30 Group ‘A‘ (Long  answer questions) Attempt any two questions.                                                        2×7.5=15 a)  Explain if-else control structure with example.                         3.5 b)   Define the terms inheritance and polymorphism.                    2+2 […]

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