Computer Science Model Question Grade 12

Computer Science Model Question Grade 12

Grade 12 Question

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 1.30 hrs.                                                               Full Marks: 30

Group ‘A

(Long  answer questions)

Attempt any two questions.                                                        2×7.5=15

  1. a)  Explain if-else control structure with example.                         3.5

b)   Define the terms inheritance and polymorphism.                    2+2

2. What is function ? Write the advantages of function. Differentiate between library and user-defined function with example.                                      1+2.5+4

3. What is normalization write its advantages. Explain second and third normal form with example…………………………………………………………………….. 1.5+2+4


Group ‘B’ (Short answer questions)

Attempt any three questions.                                                        3×5=15

4. Explain system analysis phase of SDLC.                                          5

5. What is database model ? Explain relational model.                       2+3

6. Differentiate between bounded and unbounded transmission media.    5

7. Write short note on:                                                                 2.5+2.5

AI           b) Router

Computer Science Model Question Grade 12

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