Nepal Rastra Bank, the examination schedule for the first stage pre-qualification examination for the post of Assistant Director, Administration, Officer III and Assistant, Administration, Assistant II has been published.

Nepal Rastra Bank, the examination schedule for the first stage pre-qualification examination for the post of Assistant Director, Administration, Officer III and Assistant, Administration, Assistant II has been published.

Nepal Rastra Bank, the examination schedule for the first stage pre-qualification examination for the post of Assistant Director, Administration, Officer III and Assistant, Administration, Assistant II has been published. You may Also visit official website psc

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सुचना को हक र पारदर्शिता

सूचनाको हक(Right to Information) र पारदर्शिता (Transparency)

सूचनाको हक(Right to Information) र पारदर्शिता (Transparency) सूचनाको हक सूचनाको हकको अवधारणा सूचनाको हकको सिद्धान्तहरु सूचनाको हक र पारदर्शिताको अन्तरसम्बन्ध नोट: RTI ले  Transparency प्रवर्द्धन गर्छ भने Transparency ले RTI को कार्यान्वयनमा सहयोग गर्छ । नेपालमा सूचनाको हक सम्बन्धी समस्याहरु पारदर्शिता सूचनाको हक र पारदर्शिताको महत्व पारदर्शिताको सीमाहरु नेपालमा सूचनाको हक कार्यान्वयनका लागि भएका व्यवस्थाहरु […]

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शासनका आधारभुत पक्षहरु: अवधारणा, सन्दर्भ र विशेषताहरु

शासनका आधारभूत पक्षहरु: अवधारणा, सन्दर्भ र विशेषताहरु

शासनका आधारभूत पक्षहरु: अवधारणा, सन्दर्भ र विशेषताहरु …. -स्मृति हमाल ठकुरी शासन (Governance) को अर्थ र परिभाषा राज्य संचालन गर्ने प्रकृया, विधि, पद्धति, मापदण्ड र कार्यशैली नै शासन हो । शासन सरकार मूख्य पात्रको रुपमा रही निजी क्षेत्र र गैरसरकारी क्षेत्रसँग सहकार्य र साझेदारीको कार्य गर्ने पद्धति हो। कार्यपालिका, व्यवस्थापिका, न्यायपालिका तथा संवैधानिक निकाय गर्ने […]

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Computer Operator Subjective Question of NARC

Computer Operator Subjective Question of NARC: Section B 25 marks 1. What is computer? Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computer. 2. What are workbook, worksheet and workspace? Explain with example.\ 3. Briefly explain the data type supported by MS-Access 4. What is presentation system? Differentiate between animation and transition in a presentation. 5. Write vision […]

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Grade 11 Result

Grade 11 Result

NEB Published a Grade 11 Result 2080 The National Examination Board (NEB) of Nepal plays a pivotal role in the country’s educational system, overseeing the administration and evaluation of secondary and higher secondary level examinations. Established in 2016, the NEB replaced the previously existing Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), aiming to streamline and enhance the […]

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Grade 12 Result

Grade 12 Result

NEB Published a Grade 12 Result 2080 The National Examination Board (NEB) of Nepal plays a pivotal role in the country’s educational system, overseeing the administration and evaluation of secondary and higher secondary level examinations. Established in 2016, the NEB replaced the previously existing Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), aiming to streamline and enhance the […]

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