Roles and Responsibilities of system Analyst

Roles and Responsibilities of system Analyst

Blogs B.Ed. Notes BCA Notes Computer Fundamental Computer science grade 12 notes

The success of an information system development is based on the role of system analyst. Among several roles, some important roles are described below.

  1. Change Agent: the analyst may be viewed as an agent of change. A system designed to introduce change and the way how the user and organization handles information or makes decision. So the system analyst may use different approaches to introduce changes.
  2. Investigator and monitor: a system analyst should investigate the existing system to find the reasons for its failure. The role of an investigator is to extract the problems from existing systems. The role of monitor is to undertake and successfully complete a projecting this role, the analysts must monitor programs in relation to time, cost and quality.
  3.  Architect: The analyst’s role as an architect is an interface between the user’s logical design requirements and the detailed physical system design. As an architect, the analyst also creates a details physical design of system. A system analyst makes the design of the information system architecture on the basis of end user’s requirements. This design becomes the blue print for the programming.
  4. Psychologist: The system analyst plays the role of psychologist when he/she reaches the people, interpret their thoughts and draw conclusion form these and essential during the first few weeks after the implementation of new system to make it familiar with them.
  5. Motivator: The analyst plays the role of motivator in order to make the users accept the new system. The analyst’s role as a motivator becomes very obvious and essential during the first few weeks after the implementation of new system to make it familiar with them.
  6. Definition and prioritizing the requirements: The most important and difficult duty of an analyst is to understand the user’s requirements. There is a need to set priority among the requirements of various users. The analyst must convince all the users about the priority of requirements.
  7. Analysis and Evaluation: The system analyst analyses the working of the current information system in the organization and finds out the extent to which they meet user’s needs. On the basis of the collected information, the analyst evaluates and finds the best characteristics of the new system which will meet the user’s requirements. An analyst must critically evaluate a system after it has been in use for reasonable period of time. The analyst must decide when to do evaluation, how to do evaluation, and how to collect user’s comments.
  8. Designing system: After specifications are accepted, the analyst designs the system. The design must be understandable to the system implementer. The design must be flexible to accommodate changes easily. An analyst must know the latest design also to assist implementer in his task.

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