Tribhuvan University Service Commission
Open written Computational Examination (2078)
Applied post: Technical Officer (information and Technology) Full Marks: 100
Paper: Second Time: 3 hour
Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. All questions are compulsory. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
- Define DMA? What is the function of DMA address register? Explain various addressing modes present in 8086? [1+2+7=10]
- How do you implement the multiple inheritances in OOP? Explain with reference to oops programming code. [4+6=10]
- Why do we need to perform time and space analysis of algorithms? Distinguish between Depth-first searches (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) with appropriate example. [4+6=10]
- Describe the database connection process in PHP and MySQL. How do you insert data after making connection? Explain with example. [5+5=10]
- What is concurrency control? Describe in details the various concurrency control technique. [2+8=10]
- Define Software testing. Explain various techniques used for testing software.[2+8=10]
- What is deadlock? Describe with suitable example of the deadlock prevention methods. [2+8=10]
- What do you mean by Domain Name System (DNS)? Explain in details how Domain Name System (DNS) Work? [3+7=10]
- What do you understand by cryptography? Explain in details the Public key infrastructure (PKI). [2+8=10]
- Explain the Concept of Digital Nepal Framework. 5
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of Executive Council of TU. 5
Multiple choice Question for computer: click here