Computer Operator Multiple Choice Question Set 1 Blogs Computer operator MCQ old set Old set July 22, 2021July 23, 2021gyanchautari2 Comments on Computer Operator Multiple Choice Question Set 1 Rules for attend MCQ Exam Welcome to your Computer operator multiple choice set 2 आफ्नो Email Address सहि राखिदिनुहोला यो सेटको Question & Answer तपाले राखेको Email Address मा पठाइनेछ Rules for attendant Computer Operator Set Practice -Form भरेर मात्र परिक्षा बुझाउन सकिने छ-Answer लगाईसके पछि परिबर्तन गर्न पाइने छैन-सबै प्रश्न अनिवार्य छन् Name Email Phone No 1. To enter speaker comments one has to be in which view: slide show normal slider sorter note page view None 2. what do you use to create a chart? chart wizard on tool bar inser--> chart on menu bar insert-->diagram on menu bar both a and b None 3. in order to add comment in cell one can used following steps: comment--> insert edit-->comment comment-->edit insert-->comment None 4. in MS-Access ....presents data in a way similar to an excel spread sheet. layout preview datasheet view design view print preview None 5. WAN,MAN,LAN are types of.... Computer Network Police Unit Mobilew None 6. what is the short-cut key of thesaurus? alt+T F7 Shift+F7 Ctrl+T None 7. Which one has the highest storage capacity? CD DVD Floppy Disk Hard disk None 8. ....increases the readability of text save bullet and numbering thesaurus help None 9. To use the same fonts and bullets styles on all your text slides you can: set them in the auto content wizard set them on the title master set them on the slide master select all of the slide thumbnails and use the formatting toolbar to set the fonts & bullets None 10. How do you protect your excel sheet? Tool-->option-->password Tool-->protection-->protect sheet--> password both A and B none of the above None Comment 11. A..... is the ready made styles that can be used for presentation in MS power point template auto style wizard pre format None 12. An approach that permits the computer to work on several programs instead on one is: on-line thesaurus multiprogramming over lapped processing outline processing None 13. A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a: Computer microcomputer programmable sensor None 14. CD-ROM is a Semiconductor memory Memory Register Magnetic Memory None of the above None 15. What is the correct tag to add a hyperlink in html page? a name='Target' a href='Target' link sre='source' a sre='Target' None 16. What is the FAT stands for File attributes types file allocation table Format all tab setting file for all type None 17. which menu you have to click if you want to print a document? view edit format file None 18. Disks are further divided into.... tracks and sectors memory and space plates and plastics keyboard and mouse None 19. which is the easiest method to go to MS DOS in windows environment? My Computer go to DOS from start menu click on icon of desktop type COMMAND in run dialog box None 20. Which one is not an output device? monitor printer keyboard none of the above None 21. To effect that looks like the new slide is pushing the old one off the screen is an example of a : slide presentation slide animation slide transaction All of the above None 22. Ctrl+Shift+D Double paragraph spacing delete current word dotted underline double underline None 23. which of the following loses it contents when the computer is turn off? ROM RAM PROM all of the above None 24. if you need to duplicate the entire disk. which command will use? copy move diskcopy all of the above None 25. Multitasking and multi threading is used in Windows XP Windows 2000 Linux all of the above None 26. which of the following is a page layout? shading portrait template windows None 27. The query "SELECT" * from employee returns: All rows from employee starting from '*' all rows from table employee all rows from table employee where '*' none of the above None 28. Page formatting which is used frequently in future is saved as Master Document Them Cross reference Template None 29. short-cut key combination for undo is... ctrl+z ctrl+u ctrl+y ctrl+v None 30. which of the following is not an database application? oracle excel access MySQL None 31. USB stands for Ultra serial Bus Unique Serial Bus Unique Saved Bus Universal Serial Bus None 32. which one is not found in edit menu? print find copy replace None 33. Fastest memory of computer system is: Hard disk Fireware cache memory CD None 34. the content of a cell may also be edited by pressing F4 F1 F2 F3 None 35. which of the following is network topology? Bus Star both of th above None of the above None 36. All peripheral devices connected to computer system are known as Keyboard Hardware Software Applications None 37. Which one of the following is short-cut key of cut? ctrl+c ctrl+x ctrl+v alt+x None 38. which of the following are loaded in safe mode? keyboard driver mouse driver VGA driver All of the above None 39. which is not type of indent available in MS-Word? Right left center hanging None 40. what is the full form of 'www' in Wild Wild West World Wide Web World Wide Writing Whole World Web None 41. from where do you install font options sub menu of tool menu font icons of control panel font option of format menu none of the above None 42. multiple calculation can be mode in a single formula by using composite formula complex formula array formula all of the above None 43. The power point save power point file as following extension: .ptp .ptt .ppt .ppp None 44. CPU consists of MU ALU CU all of the above None 45. What is the main objective of IT policy 2000? To establish knowledge based industry to increase employment to build knowledge based society All of the above None 46. which one is an internet browser? Safari Internet Explorer Firefox All of the above None 47. which of the following is an example of operating system? UNIX DOS OS/2 ALL None 48. Each IP packet must contain only source address only destination address Source and destination Source or destination None 49. FAT and NTFS in windows are types of : disk tool storage format internal windows command utilities None 50. page numbering is inserted as .... Footnote endnote footer none of the above None Time's upTime is Up! Post Views: 1,086 Post navigation Computer operator Exam routine has been changedComputer operator Multiple Choice Question set 2 Related Posts MS WORD SPECIAL MCQ SET 2078 September 2, 2021September 3, 2021gyanchautari Computer Operator P.No. 1 set 2 October 16, 2021October 16, 2021gyanchautari Computer Operator Subjective Question of NARC December 10, 2023December 10, 2023gyanchautari 2 thoughts on “Computer Operator Multiple Choice Question Set 1” 8 no. Question are worng plz Right anwer Reply Cache memory ho right ans lagaun xuteko raixa Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. 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8 no. Question are worng plz Right anwer
Cache memory ho right ans lagaun xuteko raixa