Assistant computer operator Quiz Practice set 1

Assistant computer operator Quiz Practice set 1


Welcome to Gyanchautari Quiz Section, This is Koshi Province Assistant Computer Operator Practice Quiz Practice set 1; Special practice set for gyanchautari subscribers. here you will get 50 multiple choice question which is totally based on Koshi Province Assistant Computer Operator Curriculum.

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Assistant computer operator Quiz Practice set 1

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Assistant computer operator Quiz Practice set 1

Welcome to Computer Operator Quiz

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1 / 50

1. Identify the device used to boost up a weak signal.

2 / 50

2. Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?

3 / 50

3. The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression _____ for entering an expression.

4 / 50

4.  Which of the following storage devices can store the maximum amount of data?

5 / 50

5. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?

6 / 50

6. Which bar shows the current position as far the text goes?

7 / 50

7. What are inserted as cross-reference in Word?

8 / 50

8. What is the shortcut key to “Center Align” the selected text?

9 / 50

9. Which of the following database objects asks a question of information in a database and then displays the result?

10 / 50

10. Data can be arranged in a worksheet in a easy to understand manner using

11 / 50

11. What is the collection of the hyperlinked document on the internet known as?

12 / 50

12. To copy cell contents using drag and drop press the

13 / 50

13. Right clicking on something in word

14 / 50

14. If the control signals are generated by combinational logic, then they are generated by a type of ________ controlled unit.

15 / 50

15. The spelling and grammar tool

16 / 50

16. Components that provide internal storage to the CPU are _____

17 / 50

17. A _____ is a visual representation of your information that you can quickly and easily create, choosing from among many different layouts, to effectively communicate your message or ideas.

18 / 50

18. The Chart wizard term data categories refers to;

19 / 50

19. How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?

20 / 50

20. Which of the following are types of ROMs?

21 / 50

21. What is the shortcut key for “Find and Replace” dialog box?

22 / 50

22. Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for

23 / 50

23. ____ key is uniquely identifies each record.

24 / 50

24. PowerPoint presentations are widely used as

25 / 50

25. Which command is used to close the window of Excel?

26 / 50

26. In _____ we can see the status of the document.

27 / 50

27. What does MIME stand for?

28 / 50

28. A special request originated from some device to the CPU to acquire some of its time is called...........

29 / 50

29. Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension

30 / 50

30. Which of the following is not a term pertaining to spreadsheets?

31 / 50

31. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n

32 / 50

32. A master document contains_________, each of which contains a pointer to a file on a disk?

33 / 50

33. Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit?

34 / 50

34. Which of the following are word processing software?

35 / 50

35. Integrated Circuits (Ics) are related to which generation of computers?

36 / 50

36. The default data type for a field is

37 / 50

37. The software that is used to create text based document are referred to as

38 / 50

38. To open an existing database, press

39 / 50

39. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?

40 / 50

40. What is the best way to create another copy of a slide?

41 / 50

41. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?

42 / 50

42. ________ refer to renewing or changing components like increasing the main memory, or hard disk capacities, or adding speakers, or modems, etc.

43 / 50

43. Excel is a program that is used to prepare a

44 / 50

44. Identify the total versions of IP.

45 / 50

45. A “glue” between client and server parts of application.

46 / 50

46. Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?

47 / 50

47. Which of the following formulas is not entered correctly?

48 / 50

48. In MS Access, Text data type may contain maximum character of

49 / 50

49. What is the length of the IPv6 address?

50 / 50

50. Which of the following describes the correct format of an input instruction?

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